Tuesday 31 July 2012

Duck Diary continued

Day 8 and 9

Wow! Our ducklings have grown!!! They seem to grow bigger by the hour. Their heads are almost touching the top of their grow box. We only have 3 more days with our fluffy friends and we will definitely miss them.  We found out that our ducklings can eat some vegetables so we decided to treat them to some peas. They went crazy for them and even showed off their diving skills in the water tub. Because the tub is clear we could see them using their webbed feet for paddling.

Duck Diary

Day 5, 6 and 7

On Friday, Kindergarten had a play with the ducklings in the morning. Lots of us decided to write about them in our journals. In the afternoon we had to say goodbye to them until Monday.
The ducklings had to go home with Miss Burgess for the weekend. They got to go all the way across the Harbour Bridge! Over the weekend the ducks had some much needed rest. When it was time to play, they roamed around the house and even had their first bath.

Wednesday 25 July 2012

10 little ducks went out 1 day...

Day 3 and Day 4

We have been so busy taking care of our 10 little ducklings. We have given them lots of cuddles. Today we learnt about their webbed feet. We know that they have webbed feet to help them swim well. We also know about their egg tooth. This is the little bump on their bill to help them break out of their eggs.

Monday 23 July 2012

Our first egg hatched!


Yesterday Kindergarten got 10 white eggs. Two of them started to crack just before home time. This morning when we arrived at school we found "Dippy Duck" waiting to meet us. He has already started to fluff up and will be ready for the "grow box" very soon.

                                                                                                        DAY 2

Thursday 19 July 2012

3 more sleeps...

Problem Solving

The Farmer can see 5 heads and 12 legs. What animals can the Farmer see?
The children had to work in teams and turn their thinking caps on to solve this problem.
Through trial and error, pictures and lots of discussion each team found an answer. Each team leader shared their answer with the class using the whiteboard and posters.

Our vegetable garden!

Kindergarten have grown some lettuce and peas. It has taken them almost 3 months to grow from seeds.

Our morning writing session

Take a look at the Fantasic writing children in our class can do:

"On Monday Kindy is going to see the ducks and they are so excited. On the holidays our vegetable garden grew." -Daniel R

"Kindy is getting ducks for the first time on Monday. We have grown lettuce."  -Jason

"In 3 more sleeps the ducks are coming to Kindy." -Chloe P

"Kindy are getting ducks on Monday."  -Ella

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Buddy Writing Time

Each Thursday Kidergarten get to spend some time with their Year 6 Buddies. Below are some of the recounts students wrote during paired writing:

"In the holidays I went to the Blue Mountains. I caught the bus to the Blue Mountains." -Jason

"In the holidays I played on the iPad." -Nicholas

"On the holidays I went to Forster with Aunty D. We saw dolphins." -Jaime

4 More Sleeps...

"In 4 more sleeps the ducks are coming to Kindergarten. They will be inside the eggs in the incubator. I can't wait until the ducks come into our classroom."- Ethan

Meeting Needs

This term we are learning about the difference between needs and wants. As a part of this unit we are getting ducklings for our classroom. We will need to learn about what they need to keep them healthy and happy.

"I am so excited! I just can't wait for the little duckies to get here. They will be the best fun ever"- Millie

Kindergarten Love To Dress Up!

Ducklings are on their way!

Only 5 more sleeps until Kindergarten will receive 10 little eggs...

Over the next two weeks Kindergarten will be looking after some new members of their classroom. We are so happy that Mrs Ryan has organised our little visitors and can't wait to watch them "Hatch 'n' Grow". Keep posted for regular updates on our little ducklings.