Wednesday 31 October 2012

Swimming Week

This week is swimming week at OLA. Kindergarten have had a great time each morning catching the bus to the pool with year 1, going for a swim and arriving back at school for some recess. We are all working on our freestyle, backstroke and frog legs. Everyone is improving too, which is amazing! Well done Kindy, I am so proud of you all for giving it a go and trying your best! Well done.

Party Day

Last week our class read a book called "Spot's fun week". We loved the stories inside so much that our class decided to have a party day. We made our own party hats and birthday cakes. Some of our cakes had a spooky theme while others were rainbow flavoured. We were all exhausted by home time this afternoon.

Thursday 18 October 2012

Book Making Competition

Last term Kindergarten started working on some picture books to enter in our class book making competition. On Wednesday the winner was announced, and it was Daisy! Her story is called "The Pink Owl". She used full stops, capitals, proof read her work and had an interesting story line.

Congratulations Daisy!


Alannah wrote a menu for her "Beach cafe" yesterday. She had burgers, chips and ice cream for sale.

Ethan wrote all about Lego Ninjago.

Evie wrote about Daisy visiting her house on the weekend.

Keep up the creative writing!


We loved our first aerobics session with Mrs Wong. It's great fun being healthy and active.

Tuesday 9 October 2012


Today Sticky, Millie's stick insect came for a visit. Millie taught us about how he moves on the leaves and how he is very fragile. Thanks for visiting Sticky!

On the Move

This term for our Science Unit we are looking at how things move. To familiarise ourselves with how our bodies move we had a game of Musical Statues.
It was fun!

Veggie Patch Update

After the school holidays our veggies certainly did a lot of growing. The broccoli and corn shot right up. Our strawberries are not doing as well because they didn't get much water over the break. Lexi, Christian, Harry and Tiana helped out in the garden this week. They helped weed, plant the cucumber seedlings, water the veggies and feed the worms in the worm farm. Thanks for your help, you did a great job. I wonder who will be the special gardeners next week?

Monday 8 October 2012

Welcome Back

Welcome back everyone! I hope you all enjoyed your break and had a safe and happy holiday with your family.

Homework will start up again in week 2.