Friday 30 November 2012


Just a quick note to let you know that there will only be reading for homework from next week on. 

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Making iMovies in Buddy Time

These past few weeks have been spent making movies and books with our buddies on the iPads. Today we had the opportunity to share our final products on the Smartboard. Mrs Di Stefano, Mrs Mirto and Miss Burgess were so impressed with the quality of all our work. 

Well done Year 6 and Kindergarten!

Incy Wincy Spider

I'm sure you have heard all about our scary spiders and our big spider wall. We have covered the wall in webs, spiders, descriptions, comic books, artworks, and just about anything to do with spiders.

Literacy Groups

This week during literacy groups we were given the challenge of creating a complicated maze for a mouse, we also got to play a vowel sort game, work on the iPads, do handwriting, match up silly sentences, complete writing tasks and read  to Miss Burgess and Mrs Taylor in our guided reading groups.


Veggie Patch Update

On Wednesday we ventured out to the Veggie Patch with our brand new tomato plants that were donated by Millie. Our lettuce was starting to die off and was shooting off seeds so we decided to clear it out and put the new tomato plants there. We also had a close look at our corn stalks which are as tall as us now. We should be able to harvest our corn in about 3 weeks. Some students got to plant the tomatoes while others helped remove lettuce, water our plants and move our pumpkin plant around (it's really starting to take over the patch). We then fed our lettuce to the worms so there wasn't too much waste.


Dear Blog Viewers,

I have got a stack of new posts to make tonight, so be sure to check back tomorrow.

Miss Burgess :)


Monday 26 November 2012


Last week our maths topic was sharing (or division in other words). We had lots of hands on lessons to get our minds around it and we spent lots of time sharing our animals into paddocks and dinosaurs into cages.

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Talent Quest

This week Kindergarten students were given the opportunity to participate in the OLA Talent Quest. Everyone that performed gave it their all and they were amazing!

Congratulations on your participation and enthusiasm Kyla, Fox, Travis, Anthony, William, Daisy, Angelina, Jaime, Holly, Lexi and Ella. You're superstars!!!

Broccoli Raffle

Our Broccoli was ready for the picking yesterday (maybe a little over ripe if that's possible). We went out at the end of lunch and picked a whole stack of it. It took 3 people to carry it all inside and lots of teachers said it was the biggest broccoli they had ever seen. 

Kindergarten have been receiving raffle tickets this week for good behaviour, hard work and trying their best. Can you guess what the prize is? That's right, Broccoli. 

The winners of this Tuesday afternoon's draw were Tiana, Luke, Mark and Fox.

Today the winners were Lucas, Evie, Daisy, William and Olivia and Millie.

 Make sure you let us know how the broccoli tastes once it's cooked.

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Movie Night

I have finally remembered to post up some photos from the OLA Movie Night. See if you can find yourself in the pictures below ;)


Woohooo! On Friday Miss Burgess told us we had to write a procedure on "How to make an ice-cream". After a joint class effort she said that we had to test out our procedure and see if it works in case we had to make any changes. She surprised us with real ice-cream, lots of cones and hundreds and thousands. Yum, yum! And guess what. Our procedure worked. We didn't have to change a single thing.