Monday 17 September 2012

Sunday 16 September 2012

Yoga...very peaceful

Year 5 Visit

Year 5 came down to our room this week so we could exchange some new things we have learnt. We started out with a couple of surprise videos from Bella and Lily. They made some very special duck movies that they took when Kindergarten had their ducklings at the start of the term. 
We also shared our knowledge of the ear (from hearing awareness week) and taught them a little about how hearing aids work.

Make sure you visit again Year 5!
(We will try and post the duckling videos here soon.....currently having some technical issues.)

Keep up the Crunching and Sipping

Kindergarten and the rest of OLA have been bringing in some great healthy snacks for our Crunch and Sip time. Here are some more photos from around our room. Keep up the great work OLA!

Apple's Visit Photos

Some of our photos with Apple seem to have disappeared. If your photo is missing please let Miss Burgess know or post a comment below and we will make sure we get them up on our blog asap.

Preschool Visit

During the week a local preschool came to visit our school for 2 days. We got to have them in our class for the morning session and then we all had recess together. Kindergarten were so helpful and great at sharing their skills and supplies with our little visitors.

Life Saver Visit

Millie's mum Tracey came into our class earlier this week from the Coogee Surf Life Saving Club. She taught us some really important things that we need to remember at the beach. With the weather starting to warm up please remember to:

1. Swim between the flags
2. Slip, Slop, Slap, Seek and Slide
3. Always swim with a buddy or adult
4. If you do get into trouble put your hand up and call for help.

Stay surf and sun safe these holidays everyone. Thanks Tracey!

Changing silkworms

All of our silkworms are in their cocoons. We still need to get a photo to post up so you can see the change.

The Tree of Wonder

This week students have been wondering about all sorts of things:

"How does a person's body work?"  -Luke
"How long can snakes grow?" -Kai
"Why do silk worms make silk?"  -Jaime

We will be exploring the answers to these questions throughout the rest of the year. If you have any more questions for our tree of wonder, feel free to post them here.

Monday 10 September 2012

Our Silkworms Are Changing

Last week we noticed a lot of changes in our silkworms. They had started to build their cocoons! We learnt that it takes 2 days for them to make their cocoon. Now we need to wait for around 21 days for them to come out as little moths. We hope they come out before the school holidays.

Apple's Visit

As a part of our Meeting Needs unit Miss Burgess brought in her pet rainbow lorikeet, Apple. We had a close look at his needs (Nectar and fruit for food, water, his cage for shelter and lots of love). We also noticed that he doesn't have the need for clothes like we do, that would be silly.
Apple also has some wants similar to our own. He loves toys and for a treat he loves to eat honey.

We all got to take turns taking a photo with Apple. He was very gentle and even gave a couple of us a kiss on the cheek.