Wednesday 14 November 2012

Broccoli Raffle

Our Broccoli was ready for the picking yesterday (maybe a little over ripe if that's possible). We went out at the end of lunch and picked a whole stack of it. It took 3 people to carry it all inside and lots of teachers said it was the biggest broccoli they had ever seen. 

Kindergarten have been receiving raffle tickets this week for good behaviour, hard work and trying their best. Can you guess what the prize is? That's right, Broccoli. 

The winners of this Tuesday afternoon's draw were Tiana, Luke, Mark and Fox.

Today the winners were Lucas, Evie, Daisy, William and Olivia and Millie.

 Make sure you let us know how the broccoli tastes once it's cooked.


Anonymous said...

Mum cooked the broccoli for dinner it was so yummy ,much nicer than the broccoli we buy in the shops.

Anonymous said...

Mum cooked the broccoli for dinner it was yum .Tiana

Anonymous said...

We cooked the broccoli and mum and I ate it for dinner with rice. It was very tasty.