Monday 10 September 2012

Apple's Visit

As a part of our Meeting Needs unit Miss Burgess brought in her pet rainbow lorikeet, Apple. We had a close look at his needs (Nectar and fruit for food, water, his cage for shelter and lots of love). We also noticed that he doesn't have the need for clothes like we do, that would be silly.
Apple also has some wants similar to our own. He loves toys and for a treat he loves to eat honey.

We all got to take turns taking a photo with Apple. He was very gentle and even gave a couple of us a kiss on the cheek.



Eva said...

It was so much fun having Apple visit us. He is so adorable.
PS But I thought Apple was a girl bird.


Kindergarten OLA said...

Hi Emily,
I'm glad you enjoyed having Apple in our classroom! I did too. Hopefully he will visit again. We aren't sure if Apple is a boy or a girl so you could be right. I just call him a boy because of his cheeky personality.
Miss Burgess x